Monday, March 12, 2007

Walter Reed rebuked in death of Carson GI Army arrogance, bad equipment cited at hearing

Article about a Fort Carson, CO soldier who died at Walter Reed.

Failed equipment, staff negligence and command arrogance plagued a wounded Fort Carson soldier's unsuccessful fight for life at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, a congressman said at a hearing this week.

Here is the DOD news release of his death:

The Department of Defense announced today that Staff Sgt. William T. Latham, 29, of Kingman, Ariz., died of wounds on June 18, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in Washington, D.C. Latham was participating in a raid at a suspected arms market in Ar Ramadi, Iraq, on May 19 when he was hit with shrapnel. Latham was evacuated back to the United States where he died of his wounds.

Latham was assigned to Troop E, 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry
Regiment, Fort Carson, Colo.

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