Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Study: Thousands of veterans return with mental illness

Another cost of war no one thinks about...the mental health of our troops. Mental illness is real. They've seen things most of us will never imagine...of couse they are haunted.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Lt Gen Kiley is out as the surgeon general of the Army. And of course he's requesting retirement. He should be kicked out on his ass. I take issue with CNN saying he is the latest casualty. He's no such thing. Casualty makes one think of victim. He's no victim.

And let me say its not just the Iraq War veterans who are treated bad. Its military servicemembers period.

Walter Reed rebuked in death of Carson GI Army arrogance, bad equipment cited at hearing

Article about a Fort Carson, CO soldier who died at Walter Reed.

Failed equipment, staff negligence and command arrogance plagued a wounded Fort Carson soldier's unsuccessful fight for life at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, a congressman said at a hearing this week.

Here is the DOD news release of his death:

The Department of Defense announced today that Staff Sgt. William T. Latham, 29, of Kingman, Ariz., died of wounds on June 18, at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, in Washington, D.C. Latham was participating in a raid at a suspected arms market in Ar Ramadi, Iraq, on May 19 when he was hit with shrapnel. Latham was evacuated back to the United States where he died of his wounds.

Latham was assigned to Troop E, 2nd Squadron, 3rd Armored Cavalry
Regiment, Fort Carson, Colo.


From the Free Market News Network

Rep. C.W. "Bill" Young (R-Fla.), who previously chaired the Defense Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, was aware of many problems at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and chose not to pursue more aggressive oversight, according to Raw Story.Young alleges that he knew of the accidental death of Army Staff Sgt. William T. Latham at Walter Reed in 2003 and his statement contradicts the cause of death reported by the Pentagon. Young chose not to pursue more oversight because he did not want to "give the Army a black eye" and did not want to embarrass soldiers and their families. Paul Sullivan, a former VA project manager, told the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee that Veterans Affairs Secretary Jim Nicholson shelved a program to fix bureaucratic problems between the VA and Defense Department soon after Nicholson took office, according to The Associated Press. Sullivan's testimony opens a window into the neglect, delays and poor coordination that went unnoticed.

`Cost of war' too much for Walter Reed, vet says

Double leg amputee MAJ Tammy Duckworth speaks about the war and the commission to discover everything the government should already know.

"I am exactly the kind of patient that is taxing the military medical system and will drain the VA resources," she said. "If that is the cost of the war, then the American people should be told that is the cost of the war."

No one wants to do anything but say "support the troops" and believe in this global war on terror. Which I hope evreyone knows isn't about this one country. It is an ongoing thing that will never end so I dont get this 'stay until we win' thing.

Once you're not 100%, the military doesnt spend too much time worrying about you.

Bush calls Walter Reed conditions 'unacceptable'

This is an article just full of people spouting bull. It makes me angry. The President says the treatment of our veterans is unacceptable. Schumner of NY says it is a disgrace (he's never been to Walter Reed in the four years the war has happened).

"We have let some soldiers down," said Peter Geren, the undersecretary of the Army.

No, you let them all down because those who haven't had to experience Walter Reed have had their faith in the hospital destroyed. And those who work, and work their asses off, have to endure this.

And this commission? What are they going to discover that they haven't already? Give me a break.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The silence that fueled Walter Reed and Abu Ghraib

Gregg Bloche, a law professor at Georgetown, hit the nail right on the head. Its the military culture that allows horrible things to occur. Be quiet, don't rock the boat, act like everything is ok. To complain is weakness and treacherous. Its why so many great people leave the military; they hate this culture and can't thrive or even survive in it.

Everyone is always surprised when something happens. You're not surprised, you're just a flunky with no spine.

Friday, March 9, 2007

NEWSFLASH: FOX is biased and Sen. Murray has a clue

Interesting tidbits from an article at seattlepi.com.

A guy from Editor & Publisher magazine was on TV this week having looked at treatment of two events by news organization Web sites: He reported that Fox News offered more than 40 videos on the death of Anna Nicole Smith, and one on the Walter Reed Medical Center scandal.

I know thats not shocking to anyone...not anyone with half a brain cell. And here is one Democrat who I will let have her rant against the Bush administration since she did vote against the war in 2002.

"They have lowballed the cost of this war, and the cost of caring for our soldiers. ... It goes to the top, to the highest level. The Bush administration wants this country to feel there is no cost to war," Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said this week after a testy exchange with Army brass.

She is a senior member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, tapped by Majority Leader Harry Reid to take the lead on veterans care.

She has training for the role. As the Iraq war escalated in 2004, the Bush administration said it would shut down the Department of Veterans Affairs' John C. Wainwright Medical Center in Walla Walla.

Murray blocked the closure by exposing VA officials to angry citizens. She called a field hearing for which more than 400 people turned out, and at which major veterans organizations defended the hospital.

The senator was back at it a year later, helping reveal a $1.5 billion shortfall in veterans health programs. She stood back as Republican congressional leaders professed shock and surprise, and passed an emergency spending bill.

Veterans Face Vast Inequities Over Disability

The military likes to say whether someone is active duty, reserve or guard they are all servicemembers. But apparently after getting wounded in war, when its time for the government to pay up, it does matter whether you are active duty or not. Slimeballs. Yes, let's all keep supporting this war so more people can fall victim to the goverment's treatment of wounded servicemembers.

For Mr. Curry, the reservist from Chicago who has fallen behind on his mortgage payments, his previous life as a $60,000-a-year postal worker is a fading memory. “It’s just disheartening,” he said. “You feel like giving up sometimes.”
Nobody cares. He'll lose his house and no one will think twice. Chicago...thats in Illinois. Might want to get on that Mr. Obama.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

House Panel Says VA has same problems as Walter Reed

It seems the problems at Walter Reed extend to the military's VA system. I've said it once and regarding the military I'll say it again: Ya think? I'm am so over these politicians acting as if they didn't know the bureaucratic crap going on. First of all, a lot of them (especially the Dems) served in the military. So, I know they know the crap servicemembers have to go through. And if they didn't, its even more reason why everyone should be required to serve in the US military. Maybe if everyone knew from personal experience things would be better....there would be no excuse for the ignorance.

Can't Take Care of Our Troops But We're Going to Change a Nation?

We never fail to fail those who most need us. The U.S fails the troops---how many ways can you say it? Did this administration take into consideration the extra resources that would be needed to provide care for the wounded? I'm sure they didn't and if they did they seriously undreestimated. Kinda of how they thought the Iraqis would be throwing flowers at the troops after we captured their hearts and minds.

WA State Military Hospital Has Walter Reed Issues

So there is another hospital with the mission of taking care of soldiers that isn't up to par. So put it simply, ya think? Come on. If the number one Army hospital fails as it sits in Washington, D.C. and a prime location for those who want to support our troops, what do you think is going on outside of the beltway?

Kiley: 'I Did Fail; I Should Have Been More Engaged'

Kiley does the honorable thing and admits he failed our troops. All this talk but when is Lt. Gen. Kevin Kiley going to get his? There is no reason for him to remain when people who had less tenure have been let go.

Dems Call Walter Reed Scandal the "Katrina of 2007"

So the Democrats have it in their little minds that they had nothing to do with how our troops were failed. I have news for you Schumer, you're as much to blame as the Bush administration. Not only because you're in Congress, but some of your constituents were in this war and died in this war. That meant you should have been looking out for them.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

McCain Admits Lives Wasted in Iraq

Just like Barack Obama, John McCain admits that yes, those who died in Iraq did so with nothing to show for it. They've both apologized for telling the truth.

Friday, March 2, 2007

When Does Lt Gen Kiley Get His?

Washington Post editorial basically raises the issue that even though MG Weightman probably was incompetent, he was only on the job for six months. Isn't that always the case. Before you can put up the family pictures in your fancy schmancy new office some scandal errupts. But check out Kevin Kiley's time as a leader. Here's a bit of an excerpt to get you going:

Much of The Post's article detailed the abuse by omission that Gen. Kiley, not Gen. Weightman, committed, first as head of Walter Reed, then in his current post as Army surgeon general. Gen. Weightman, who very well might deserve his disgrace, has commanded Walter Reed for only half a year, while Gen. Kiley, now back in charge of Walter Reed, headed the hospital and its outpatient facilities for two years and has led the Army's medical command since. Rep. C.W. Bill Young (R-Fla.) and his wife say they repeatedly told Gen. Kiley about unhealthful conditions in outpatient facilities.

This pretty much sums it up:

But the evidence compiled so far suggests that Gen. Kiley has been more complicit in the scandalous neglect of Walter Reed's outpatient facilities for longer than Gen. Weightman has been.

New Walter Reed commander, Bush wakes up

And it goes on and on.

The President is always a day late.

President Bush vowed to investigate allegations of substandard treatment of wounded soldiers as the administration scrambled to contain fallout from the scandal over squalid housing and bureaucratic delays in outpatient care at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Wow, Harvey is a real dumbass. Balance? Thats the problem, balance. The conservative media is too busy trying to show stories about schools being built in Iraq. I couldn't care less about a school being built in Iraq. Look at the schools in this country. And more importantly, we should be thinking about our troops, their health, their well-being, quality of life, their families...

But he [Harvey] also said the Post stories lacked balance. "Where's the other side of the story?" he asked, his voice rising. "Two articles in your paper have ruined the career of General Weightman, who is a very decent man, and then a captain . . . and the secretary of the Army. If that satisfies the populace, maybe this will stop further dismissals."

Army secretary gets the boot amid Walter Reed scandal

The second hit belongs to the Secretary of the Army Francis Harvey. Well now I'm surprised all these high level Army personnel are the casualties of this Walter Reed mess. Ordinarily, its some lowly schmuck who has to take one for the team. But even the Army isn't dumb enough to think they can't punish people at the lowest level for this mess. Oh wait, for the sake of being accurate he wasn't punished or fired....he resigned. Uh huh, yeah.

$400 Billion Can't Buy Much

Apparently not equipment for the Army National Guard. Nearly 90% are rated "not ready" largely due to a lack of billiosn of dollars worth of equipment. With all this war talk the politicians and hawks forgot the role of the Army National Guard is not simply to replace troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Their duty involves helping Americans in America. So what does this mean? Don't live anywhere near a natural disaster or emergency in the U.S. because our troops can't help you like they should be able to. Just as the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Army fires commander of Walter Reed

Well, it didn't take long for someone to get fired due to the Walter Reed debacle. I'm surprised it was a two-star general. I guess the Army is tired of getting all the bad press for the way it treats its soldiers. Someone has to bite the bullet and I'm sure Maj Gen Weightman is glad he's the one. He will be replaced by Lt Gen Kiley. Yes, that Kiley. The one who lived across the street from Building 18 and didn't know what was going on.

Uncle Sam has to keep up appearances

The Army loves to pretend like things are going well even in the midst of horrific chaos. Thats why the ailing soldiers of Walter Reed's Building 18 have to make sure the place is spic and span for the upcoming inspections and Congressional traffic that will be roaming the halls to see what exactly our bravest are living in.

And of course the soldiers need to follow the chain of command even when that is the one thing that is failing them the most.

Well of course the Army knew

Was there ever any doubt top Army officials knew of the poor conditions at Walter Reed. In fact, a three-star general (commanding general of US Army Medical Command) lives across the street from Building 18, the ward that has been getting the most attention. Family members, veterans organizations and even members of Congress have complained over the past three years, state the article in the Washington Post.

In 2004, Rep. C.W. Bill Young (R-Fla.) and his wife stopped visiting the wounded at Walter Reed out of frustration. Young said he voiced concerns to commanders over troubling incidents he witnessed but was rebuffed or ignored. "When Bev or I would bring problems to the attention of authorities of Walter Reed, we were made to feel very uncomfortable," said Young, who began visiting the wounded recuperating at other facilities.

Beverly Young said she complained to Kiley several times. She once visited a soldier who was lying in urine on his mattress pad in the hospital. When a nurse ignored her, Young said, "I went flying down to Kevin Kiley's office again, and got nowhere. He has skirted this stuff for five years and blamed everyone else."

Where are all the "gung-ho we love our troops, we support this war" fanatics now? They raise more hell about people who disagree with this war than they do over the treatment our soldiers receive. What's less supportive of the troops? Not agreeing with this war or treating them this way when they return?

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thousands of Vets with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

How could you watch ABC's special on Bob Woodruff and veterans of the Iraq war with traumatic brain injuries and not cry? If you could do it you're stronger than I will ever be. And of course VA finds a way, with even these most serious of injuries, to fall short.

Veterans seeking treatment face red tape, weeks of waiting, and often to have to pay for outside experts in order to have their disability claims processed. Behee's wife, Marissa, was so frustrated with the care that her husband had received at the VA in Palo Alto, Calif., that she pulled her husband out and put him in a private facility. "For the first month, I thought this isn't he way he should be treated," she told "Good Morning America."

The VA in Palo Alto said that Behee's injury was complex, and that the Behees needed to be more patient. Jim Nicholson, a spokesman for the Department of Veterans Affairs, acknowledges that there are delays in the system, but says the department is struggling to overcome a lack of knowledge about TBIs.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The War: 'Its Like It Doesn't Exist' for Americans

Not all of us are personally affected by this war but the least we can do is remember those who have the physical and emotional scars from it.

Mental care called sorely lacking for Iraq vets, families

Another miscue regarding planning for this war. No one thought there should be enough mental health professionals for servicemembers who killed and saw death and their families? A panel's 67 page report cites a 40% vacancy rate in active duty psychologists in the Army and Navy. Therapy is nothing more than talking. When is it going to stop being considered a weakness?

ABC's Bob Woodruff's Long Road to Recovery

Daniel Trotta's piece on Reuters speaks of Bob Woodruff's struggles after the ABC newsman was injured in Iraq. Woordruff's story, along with the struggle of servicemembers, will be detailed on ABC tonight in a special named "To Iraq and Back". Woodruff, a husband and father, was in a coma for 36 days. I will definitely watch this tonight.

Billions of Dollars Unaccounted for in Iraq

Billions wasted in Iraq? Now how much of this could have been used for armored vehicles, body armor and wounded veterans instead of lost to corruption and incompetence? There was no accounting system for tracking all this cash sent to Iraq.

The Pentagon set up the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) to govern the country under Ambassador Paul Bremer, who began hiring private companies to secure and rebuild the country. There were no banks or wire transfers to pay them, no bean counters to keep track of the money. Just vaults and footlockers stuffed with billions of dollars in cash. "Fresh, new, crisp, unspent, just-printed $100 bills. It was the Wild West," recalls Frank Willis, who was the No. 2 man at the Coalition Provisional Authority’s Ministry of Transportation. The money was a mixture of Iraqi oil revenues, war booty and U.S. government funds earmarked for the coalition authority. Whenever cash was needed, someone went down to the vault with a wheelbarrow or gunny sacks. Asked if he has any evidence that the accounting system was a little loose, Willis says, "I would describe it as nonexistent."

Yeah, so the next time somone is apprehensive about sending more money to Iraq to "support the troops" maybe we shouldn't be so quick to call them traitors.

US Soldiers Aren't the Only Americans Dying

Thats right. Over 800 US civilians have died and more than 3,300 have been wounded in the Iraq War. They are just as important as the soldiers. They make it possible for us to send troops to train, fight, secure and police. Imagine if we had to send soldiers to cook, clean, guard and analyze intelligence as well. Respect them, love them, honor them too.

Newsweek Does It Again

Could it be the country that loves to wear yellow ribbons and American flag pins is failing its veterans? Could it be that the country who denounces anyone who doesn't support the war could support its troops even less? Of course it is. Yes America, we are failing our troops.

America's Dirty Little Secret: Homeless Veterans

Newsweek wrote what I've been repeating (from other reports I've read) for a long time. Military veterans are sleeping on the streets of America. People always seemed so shocked at how our military members are treated. What is going to happen to the kids who left their parents' home, moved into Uncle Sam's home and once they return from war they don't know how to establish their own home?

Running Like Ambulance Chasers

The Republicans don't have to do anything to make the Democrats look bad. They do it all on their own. They are shocked by the state of affairs at Walter Reed. These yahoos are going to act as if they are not accountable for the treatment of the soldiers? Please, let's not act as if because you didn't own the White House or the Congress, our servicemembers weren't your responsibility. The most horrendous things always happen right in the capital of our nation, the backyard of our public servants.

Skeletons in the Closet at Walter Reed

When someone puts their best foot forward, people forget that means something is wrong who the one left in the background. And boy is that ever the case with Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Their treatment of wounded soliders is a disgrace. But thats the Army way, pretend like everything is okay because heaven forbid a junior officer has to tell his superior he (read: his soldiers) need more help, more resources. That would be a reflection on his (or her) leadership abilities. And we wouldn't want that.

The death of PFC LaVena Johnson raises questions

The most high-profile Army cover up of the Iraq War is the death of former NFL player Pat Tillman. Chances are there is another one. If, by chance, things happened as the Army said they did they should have learned by the Tillman case to leave no stone unturned and erase all doubt. But, once again, the Army has to do things the hard way and now a family as doubts about the death of their child. The daughter of a doctor, an honor student and blood donor among a list of achievements, Johnson's death was labeled a suicide ("self-inflicted, noncombat injuries") even though she had two loose front teeth and a "busted lip" that had to be reconstructed at the funeral home.

Enemy of the Soldier: Army Physical Evaluation Board

The Army physical evaluation board's game of hoops is no shock to the countless number of Army soldiers who have medical issues. And as Iraq war veterans return home wounded they are probably surprised by the hero's welcome they receive.