Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Thousands of Vets with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

How could you watch ABC's special on Bob Woodruff and veterans of the Iraq war with traumatic brain injuries and not cry? If you could do it you're stronger than I will ever be. And of course VA finds a way, with even these most serious of injuries, to fall short.

Veterans seeking treatment face red tape, weeks of waiting, and often to have to pay for outside experts in order to have their disability claims processed. Behee's wife, Marissa, was so frustrated with the care that her husband had received at the VA in Palo Alto, Calif., that she pulled her husband out and put him in a private facility. "For the first month, I thought this isn't he way he should be treated," she told "Good Morning America."

The VA in Palo Alto said that Behee's injury was complex, and that the Behees needed to be more patient. Jim Nicholson, a spokesman for the Department of Veterans Affairs, acknowledges that there are delays in the system, but says the department is struggling to overcome a lack of knowledge about TBIs.

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