Veterans seeking treatment face red tape, weeks of waiting, and often to have to pay for outside experts in order to have their disability claims processed. Behee's wife, Marissa, was so frustrated with the care that her husband had received at the VA in Palo Alto, Calif., that she pulled her husband out and put him in a private facility. "For the first month, I thought this isn't he way he should be treated," she told "Good Morning America."
The VA in Palo Alto said that Behee's injury was complex, and that the Behees needed to be more patient. Jim Nicholson, a spokesman for the Department of Veterans Affairs, acknowledges that there are delays in the system, but says the department is struggling to overcome a lack of knowledge about TBIs.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Thousands of Vets with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The War: 'Its Like It Doesn't Exist' for Americans
Mental care called sorely lacking for Iraq vets, families
ABC's Bob Woodruff's Long Road to Recovery
Billions of Dollars Unaccounted for in Iraq
The Pentagon set up the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) to govern the country under Ambassador Paul Bremer, who began hiring private companies to secure and rebuild the country. There were no banks or wire transfers to pay them, no bean counters to keep track of the money. Just vaults and footlockers stuffed with billions of dollars in cash. "Fresh, new, crisp, unspent, just-printed $100 bills. It was the Wild West," recalls Frank Willis, who was the No. 2 man at the Coalition Provisional Authority’s Ministry of Transportation. The money was a mixture of Iraqi oil revenues, war booty and U.S. government funds earmarked for the coalition authority. Whenever cash was needed, someone went down to the vault with a wheelbarrow or gunny sacks. Asked if he has any evidence that the accounting system was a little loose, Willis says, "I would describe it as nonexistent."
Yeah, so the next time somone is apprehensive about sending more money to Iraq to "support the troops" maybe we shouldn't be so quick to call them traitors.